Monday, August 16, 2010

More on cats

The day we adopted Leon, we actually wanted this other kitten that we saw on the internet. She was white and fluffy and her name was Mopsy. Then when we got there they told us that she had a "kitty cold" which we later found out is code for ringworm, but they had this one:

I have to admit, at first, I wasn't thrilled. I wanted the white girl one. Plus this one's name was Leland (after a kind of Christmas tree, it was Christmastime.) But then the lady brought him out and he literally ran into my arms, and I loved him, and the rest is history. Bonus that Joey thought his name was Leon, which is his favorite boys' name. As it turns out, he was a perfect fit... and now I don't have to name my son Leon.

ANYwho... I finally got my white cat last weekend! She has a moving tail and blinks and keeps perfect time! And Leon loves her!

Well, not that much.

Here's Joey trying to make Leon look like a cat clock.

It looks like we tortured him but he was fine. He got some treats afterwards and it was win-win for all. I love this clock so much. It really does keep perfect time, and it brings me joy each morning when I make the coffee. Of course I love my Leon too, I wouldn't trade him for a million Mopsies.

I hope everyone had a great Monday.

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